Saturday, December 25, 2004


helo guys..
i'm now in nyc, new york city..
its winter here and the cold is almost foreign to me..
its soo cold that even under 3 layers of clothing and a jacket, i was still freezing..
ah well, the people here are kinda like singapore, the lifestyle was also much faster than LA..
today quite farny, its christmas and i was in a cab and the cab driver atitude my frens and i...
than one of my fren spoke in indian accent to allow the indian driver to understand him..
haha, man, an ugly situation turned farny.. quite entertaining..

anyways, to everyone, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..
i can't wait to go home..
after all there's no place like home..
take care and may Happy Holidays :)

No. 1 fren: couldn' t get through to u..
here's a special holla
Merry X'mas Wdy and hope you're x'mas is a happy one :)

Friday, December 24, 2004


Wednesday, December 22, 2004


hello one and all..
i'm now slowing down the amt of activities i'm doing now...
haha, i'm watching shuan of the dead now on dvd at a fren's place..
haha, quite farny soo farrr...
kinda miss home rite now...
things here have been great soo far, but there are some things that i really miss..
prata, hokkien mee, rojak.. all the glorious food availiable.. yummy..
over here, there's like only western food, burgers and really crappy chinese food..
oh well, see ya guys soon..
take care..

take care moi no. 1 fren.. great to hear your voice :)

Monday, December 20, 2004


i suddenly realised how much time i have on my hands now..
though i thought that i have been busy all the time, truth is, i have soo much time that i could think about all sorts of things. i dunno why i think abt such stuff..
is it just for the spur of the moment??
i really don't think soo..
i feel guilty and selfish for putting the pressure and making it hard on a fren.
but what else can i do???
should i preoccupy myself with more activities to distract myself??
i think that the prob will still come back..
that's no escape for me..
time is precious but sometimes don't we all feel we have too much of it that we indulge in other activities to reduce the number of hours we feel bored..
i guess in some ways its a really clever idea to fill your days with stuff to do.
however, i honestly feel that to appreciate the things around, u gotta take step back and take time to look..
things always seem too complicated and hard when we're sooo consumed...

being appreciative is something all of us can have more of...

take care and have a happy day guys :)


hi one and all..
i've got news... haha...
i went to beverly hills.. haha.
.and i went to niketown..
tht's where the latest nike stuff are on sale..
b4 that guess what.
stars seen- 1
movies seen- nil...
guess who i saw..
I saw RObbie Williams..
oh man, he was this other guy and both of them looked kinda gay..
oh well, nothing much happened..take care all :)

p.s: super happy today, thanks to my no. 1 fren.. so happyyyy :)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

sad day...

hi one and all, i had quite an enjoyable day...
morning, i went to the uni to play ball in the indoor basketball court..
it was fun, though the air was kinda thin and i had difficulty breathing..
after that, went and did some shopping..
finally ended the day by watching lemony snickens a series of unfortunate events..
it waS REAlly good.. go catch it when it opens in town...
my day was happy as a whole but i guess i was kinda sad when i was talking to a close fren..
dunno why after talkin i felt like crap..
things should get better..
looking forwaRD to going home.. take care guys.

Thursday, December 16, 2004


hey guys, today has been quite a lazy day..
i slept at 3am last night and woke up at 11am.. haha..
after waking up, left my fren's place to the California state uni of Long beach..
oh man, was the place B E A utiful...
haha, they had a library that opened 24 hours and they had a room for pool and a bowling alley..
ahh.. the place was soo nice..
i then had dinner at place called Bubba Gump.
it was named after the movie Forest Gump..
go catch the movie if you don't know wht i'm talking abt. haha...

stars seen- zero
movies seen- ocean eleven... haha..
holla to mr ah xian, glad you're safe from your overseas trip.. take care :)
alex.. how ya doing babe.. i'm having a blast here.. take care..

p.s: talked to my my no. 1 fren..
hahaha... can't keep smiling :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


hello one and all, welcome to the update of your fav Reporter...
today i was at the grove, santa monica...
i saw, guess who... Lorenzo Lamas..
haha, he's the guy who was one of the judges in the show, Are You Hot...
haha, man was he tall, he was at least 1 and a half heads taller than me...

haha, so guys, tune in next time while i bring you more on the happenings of Hollywoood :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The city of Angels..

hello one and all...
i'm in los angeles, california hollywood..
weather here is cool and sunny all day, people here are soo friendly...
anyways, here i am, your fav movie reviewer in the city of stars and movies...
stars seen- none.
movies watched- zero..
but don't worry, your fav movie reporter will be hot the heels of them...
pls stay tune while i give you the latest news in the entertainment capital of the world..

anyways, this goes out to ms zq.. haha, the other night, i was chatting with her and dunno why she was soo high, quite farny loh.. so of there's anything any of u want, let me know..

in the meantime, happy holidays and hope u guys stay healthy and happy.. take care...

P.S: i've found my no. 1 fren.. damn happy, ahhhh... haha.. can't stop smiling. take care and stay happy my no. 1 fren :)

Saturday, December 11, 2004


this is a warning.. do not, i repeat, do not watch blade trinity..
do not watch national treasure.. they both didn't appeal to me..
so if you guys wanna catch a movie.. go watch phantom of the opera..
its super niceee... haha...
so take care and happy movie hunting...

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Prom night

hey guys, what's happening.. guess that those who went for prom are pretty exhausted.. i am..
congrats to lynette and russel, erm is that how you spell it??
oh man, prom was alright, i thought the food was not bad.. the baby octopus was my fav.. haha..
i had a great time hanging out with my class, and MY goodness, everyone was soo well dressed..
just to name a few, alexis, zq, ailin and wing.. oh my, they were really dressed to kill.. you girls were H O T.. haha, needless to say, my bruddders were all dressed in killa style..
jerry had the GQ look, fabian had the HK pop star look and Robbin was casually dressed.. WITH style.. haha... in my eyes, these 3 should have been PRom kings, with jerry leading the way.. haha, but russel did deserve it, no doubts abt it..
after prom, zq, jerry, me, alex, ailin and wing made our way to the club.. some Coco something club.. haha, its was pack man, cannot squeeze onto the dance floor.. so sian man, and they were playing damn nice HIP HOP music, i couldn't stop moving.. haha...
but finally, a whole group of us went up to the dance floor and squeezed our through.. and man was i pissed with some guys who mercilessly push girls out of the way to get to the middle of the dance floor.. come on lah you Dickheads, a little gentlemanlyness never hurt anyone..
i kinda pushed back some guys who tried crushing poor alex and zq.. haha, man did it feel good..
the music was WICked.. haha.. some of the nj girls can really dance.. the 3 prom queens for instance caught alot of people's attention( including mine, hahaha....).
man, can they shake.. haha...
at 3am, everything ended and we all took a slow but painful stroll back to the hotel..
it was nice.. hope you all had a memorable graduation, i know i did.

special holla to Sharon and Faith, i thought they look exceptionally good, especially kan chiong mama, cannot recognise her loh.. i was thinking, is that sharon??? cannot be.. haha.. its a good thing.. and FAith, oooh, someone got approached.. haha, goes to show you looked exceptionally well that night..
take care to all and have a early Merry X'mas :)

Monday, December 06, 2004

thank you

holla to mr quan and the 2 lovely ladies xuan and bee for the enjoyable yet painful on the cheeks experience.. haha.. thanks guys, really appreciate it..
holla to my brudder jun lin, hey man, if you're reading this, good luck for army and what ever you do.. DO NOT PICK UP THE SOAP..
yo gaybian, prata buddy, next time got craving for prata, let's get hammered with prata.. haha

Sunday, December 05, 2004

doing what's right

i had a rough week. i got into a terrible argument with a friend but it has been resolved.
i felt so much better after all the ordeal.
for once in a long time, i feel free of troubles and frustration.
at that point, i realised that i missed certain things in my life.
i have neglected certain responsiblities that i wish nothing more than amend.
i wanna do what's right. i need to.
i believe that so long as you do wht's right, there is really nothing to regret.
on the hand, you'll always feel guilty if you've something wrong.
i guess i've done lotsa wrong things in my life that i really hope that i chance for me will surface and i can redeem myself.
its a personal thing that i feel is impt to everyone.