check this out...
There is no option for potential unachieved.
prodigies have it worse.
hype is not a dream that comes true.
haters always linger. praying for the downfall. the temptation suffocatesthe mind, the body, the soul, the spirit.
the weak succumb, but the strong go beyond survival. until self doubt rears its unwelcomed head. forcing even the greatest, most confident individuals into internal interrogation.
complacency grows.
the awards and rewards begin to feed the ego, taking away the hunger. the hunger that once fed not just the talent, but kept the work ethic, the hustle, the pride, the need to become the best from malnourished.
Never give in...
Leborn 2...
prodigies have it worse.
hype is not a dream that comes true.
haters always linger. praying for the downfall. the temptation suffocatesthe mind, the body, the soul, the spirit.
the weak succumb, but the strong go beyond survival. until self doubt rears its unwelcomed head. forcing even the greatest, most confident individuals into internal interrogation.
complacency grows.
the awards and rewards begin to feed the ego, taking away the hunger. the hunger that once fed not just the talent, but kept the work ethic, the hustle, the pride, the need to become the best from malnourished.
Never give in...
Leborn 2...